Informational and How-To articles associated with YuJa.

Articles (5)

How To Access YuJa through Canvas

Where to find YuJa link in a Canvas course

How To Create Direct Links of YuJa Videos

If you need to post or email a link to your YuJa video for guest viewing.

How To Download a YuJa Recording

If you're backing up your Media Library or using an advanced video editor, you will need to download the YuJa videos as a .mp4 video.

How To Embed YuJa recording into Qualtrics surveys

For researchers that are using recorded video and want to add it to Qualtrics surveys.
This will work for Faculty, Staff, and Students that are using both YuJa and Qualtrics.

Video Quizzing with YuJa

The Video Platform’s Quizzes offer a way to assess learning, encourage interaction and to measure understanding of video content. Content Creators can make video quizzes using any uploaded video content in their Media Collection.