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    This article will detail the steps for students to install a copy of ArcGIS Pro on their personal machines.
    This article explains how to connect home or consumer-grade devices like Game Consoles, Televisions, Amazon Fire TV, Roku and other similar devices to ISU’s enterprise network.
    This article describes how to connect to the wired network in residential facilities. The target audience is students, faculty, staff and guest.
    This article provides locations for student printers. The target audience is students.
    This article explains the minimum hardware and software specifications for students bringing their own laptop. If you have questions about the minimum specifications please stop by the Technology Support Center on the lower level of Stalker Hall or call 812-237-2910.
    Hardware support for Scholarship Laptops is defined.
    This article describes how to create a new knowledge base article in the TeamDynamix application. The target audience is OIT student employees and staff that create knowledge base articles.
    This article provides resources for learning how to use Microsoft Azure Development Tools for Teaching.
    Indiana State University partners with many software vendors to provide access to academically discounted software for its Students and Faculty. Some applications are available for free, others for a significant discount off retail prices. This article provides a central information source about how to get many of these applications.
    Email is available to alumni after graduation from ISU. Other services available in Office 365 are terminated 60 days after graduation.
    This article provides tips to stay safe online during the holidays. The target audience is students, faculty, and staff.
    This article provides information on the level of support provided by the Office of Information Technology for the Office 365 Applications.
    This article describes how to set retention tags to change the amount of time an email or group of emails is retained for students, faculty, and staff.
    This article describes how to use the Message Quarantine functions in Outlook in Office 365 in order to receive all of your email messages.
    This article answers frequently asked questions about email retention for faculty and staff.