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Services or Offerings?
Use this service to report any functional issues associated with your ISU Qualtrics projects (surveys, groups etc.). If your account is disabled, you may request reinstatement via the Qualtrics - Modify Account Request:

Argos is a report writing tool used for building and deploying reports, creating files, and displaying dashboards using data that Indiana State University collects and maintains within numerous databases.

Students requesting to add money or requesting credit be applied to their Print Balance account

Submit requests to update our computer inventory database.

At Indiana State University, there are several Adobe software packages available to Faculty and Staff to use for work - Adobe Acrobat Pro, Adobe Creative Cloud Suite and Adobe Sign

Request a modification to a current “Departmental File Share” L Drive

A Security Standard Exemption provides faculty or staff with an exemption from an OIT baseline security standard that inhibits effective use of the computer.

The university maintains a video security system to support safety, security, and instruction.

Use this service to report any type of security issue with ISU owned devices or ISU faculty, student, or staff personal/private information.

This service is used by Faculty and Staff to request non-standard, specialized Computers (not peripherals) such as Mac or high-end workstations.

This service is used by Faculty and Staff to request standard new computer equipment, such as ISU standard laptops.

Create or modify a Perceptive Content account for a new user of the document imaging system.

Modifications to an existing account, such as the e-mail address associated with the account, group memberships, user roles, and account ownership.

Deactivation requests for accounts associated with employees that have either separated or change roles of their employment at Indiana State University (i.e. - moving from one department to another). Note: Only supervisors and or Argos Security Officers should submit these requests.

Telephone and Unified Communications tools enabling communication and collaboration. The associated form allows you to request moves, adds, or changes as well as headsets.