Qualtrics - Modify Account Request


Accounts can sometimes require changes that account holders require assistance with. An example might be if an account holder has a self-registered account but needs to have their account transferred into the ISU brand database. It can also include issues with changing the given account e-mail address and or username or altering surveys and moving accounts into groups.

Standard Features

  • Transferring Accounts
  • Altering Accounts
  • Modifying Account Information or Survey Artefact's
  • Enabling Account

SLA:  You can expect this service to be completed in 2 business days.


  • Any ISU Qualtrics Account Holder.
  • Faculty hired by term may not be able to access Qualtrics before their first day of employment. When they click on "Qualtrics" under "ISU APPS" in ISU portal, they may be redirected back to ISU portal instead of Qualtrics. In such a case, we suggest that the user request an affiliate account for early access.
  • Users should contact Qualtrics support for assistance on how to use a feature in Qualtrics. If you need a comprehensive survey consultation, please contact Stacey.Bocard@indstate.edu directly, and expect that the consultation request will be evaluated as a project request with OIT.


Use the button at the top right to request the service and be sure to provide thorough details concerning the issues you require assistance with.


  • Standard Qualtrics account holder information.
Modify Account Request

Related Articles (6)

Qualtrics provides general technical support for users. This article includes the instructions on how to contact Qualtrics Support directly.
Provides information on how to contact the Technology Support Center (TSC) for help.
Qualtrics is a survey platform for academic research and administrative purpose. OIT is responsible for user accounts and permissions. Users should contact Qualtrics support for questions on how to use Qualtrics.
This article provides instructions on Qualtrics Single Sign-On from ISU Portal and how to obtain a new account.
Instructions on how to request an account, create a simple survey, and review reports.
Best practices for sensitive personal data in Qualtrics survey.