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Services or Offerings?
Security Consultation to facilitate security best practices for business use cases or for risk assessment and data security considerations.

Assistance with connecting to the ISU Network via wireless, wired, or Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection.

Request a modification to a current “Departmental File Share” L Drive

Scan documents to a shared folder on the L drive.

File Services provide network data storage services for individuals and departments.

At Indiana State University, there are several Adobe software packages available to Faculty and Staff to use for work - Adobe Acrobat Pro, Adobe Creative Cloud Suite and Adobe Sign

Use this service to report any type of security issue with ISU owned devices or ISU faculty, student, or staff personal/private information.

Request an "Affiliated" University Account for someone that is not an employee or student.

Several technical issues may arise when traveling internationally. If you are leaving the country and plan to access any ISU resources, we recommend you allow us to check for conflicts.

Use this service to request small portable sound and projector systems for ISU sponsored events as well as portable laptop carts.