Track consumer behavior across diverse segments, benchmark your company versus competitors, conduct complex academic research, advertising and product testing and so much more, with Qualtrics.
Standard Services and Features
- All faculty, staff, and eligible affiliates do not need to submit account request for a new Qualtrics account. If you access Qualtrics from ISU portal, a Qualtrics account will be generated automatically if you do not already have one. Please refer to Qualtrics Account and Single Sign-on to get Qualtrics access instructions.
- This service is for requesting a new ISU Qualtrics account for students and departments, and associated credentials if applicable.
- Faculty requesting Qualtrics accounts for the students in a class may download class roster from Canvas and attach the roster file with your ticket. Here is the instruction on How to download class roster from Canvas New Analytics.
SLA: You can expect this service to be completed in 3 business days.
Please note that all student accounts and departmental accounts expire within 1 year of their creation for account maintenance and security purposes. Additionally, expired accounts are not deleted from the system but merely deactivated. Accounts that expire can be reactivated by having their expiration reset. To do this, submit a help request to TSC. Also note that surveys belonging to deleted accounts are not deleted. If your account has been deleted, the account can be recovered by contacting Qualtrics (or just submit a help request to TSC).
If your role is that of a Student, you must have a Faculty or Staff request the account on your behalf. The requester is the “Sponsor”.
Login information will be e-mailed to you when your account has been created with instructions on how to access Qualtrics.
Faculty, staff, and eligible affiliates can access Qualtrics from ISU portal via Single Sign-On, so you don't need to keep a separate password.
Students will also able to access Qualtrics from ISU portal via Single Sign-On without a separate password, after their accounts have been created.
Departmental account users should access Qualtrics at Once logged-in, you will need to:
- Click on the drop down arrow next to your name.
- Click on "Account Settings" to change your password (as new accounts are created with temporary passwords).