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    This article contains the steps (with screenshots) to add Zoom meetings into Canvas courses.
    Instructions for Faculty to re-open access to their courses from previous terms.
    This article contains basic information about Zoom capabilities and information on how to begin using Zoom.
    The standard for Canvas course site retention (along with associated content) is 18 months. OIT follows a standard communications procedures for notifying faculty before a course is deleted according to this standard.
    Respondus Lockdown Browser is a secure and efficient way for instructors to proctor student exams. This guide will aid in navigating and downloading Lockdown Browser and will also answer any questions that may arise when using this software.
    This article provides general information about Instructional Tools available at Indiana State University.
    This article will assist Faculty and Staff with successfully Cross-Listing their courses in Canvas.
    If you need to post or email a link to your YuJa video for guest viewing.
    Where to find YuJa link in a Canvas course
    This article provides information for instructors on grading student submissions and review feedback in Canvas using the updated TurnItIn LTI 1.3 integration. The TurnItIn LTI 1.3 update in Canvas has changed where instructors and students access and grade assignments.
    This article provides information and assistance to create assignments in Canvas using the updated TurnItIn LTI 1.3 integration.