This article will assist Faculty and Staff with Cross-Listing their courses in Canvas. Cross-Listing is the process of merging Canvas courses into one easily accessible site. In Canvas, Faculty and Staff have the ability to perform the action on their own.
Estimated Time to Complete
Reviewing this guide will take no more than 5 minutes
- Log into Canvas where you are able to see your Global Navigation menu.
- Select Courses from the Global Navigation menu.
3. Select All Courses from the pop-out menu.
4. At the top of the page you will see a button reading Crosslist Courses. Select this.
5. A smaller window will pop-up where you are able to select the Bucket Course. This is the main course all other sites will be joining into. In this example, we are selecting Sandbox/Testing Course Micah Wagner.
6. After selecting the Bucket course, select all of the courses you would like Cross-Listed into the Bucket course. In the example, we're selecting Sandbox Mwagner18 #2.
7. Once you have selected your courses to Cross-List, you can create a new name of the course. The course name will be seen by all students in the courses being Cross-Listed, so make sure this is something the students will find familiar. In this example, we're naming the new course Sandbox Courses Micah Wagner.
8. When you enter the new course name, click Submit.
9. You should see your courses were successfully Cross-Listed with all the sections selected and the chosen name presented for your course.
After following the instructions outlined in this guide, you have successfully cross-listed your course in Canvas. If you have any further questions or concerns about Canvas Cross-Listing, please contact Instructional Tools Support at 812-237-7000 or by email at