Standard for Instructional Data Retention


The purpose of this standard is to define the duration of course availability and course data storage in enterprise level instructional tools at Indiana State University. The deletion of older files, course sites, and other saved items is necessary to comply with vendor contracts on storage allotments. 




Data Type





Course Sites (standard, for-credit courses)

18 months from the end date of the term in which they were taught.

By request of the Office of Registration and Records, Financial Aid, or University Counsel.

An email will be sent to all staff and faculty two weeks, one week, and one day prior to course removal.


Non-Course Sites

(sandbox, templates, etc.)

24 months from the last access date.

12-month extension by request of the owner or instructor.

Exception Request

An email specifying course names will be sent to course instructors two weeks, one week, and one day prior to course removal.


Instructor created content

18 months from the end date of the term in which they were taught.

12-month extension by request of the owner or instructor

Exception Request

An email will be sent to all staff and faculty two weeks, one week, and one day prior to course removal.


Student created content

18 months from the end date of the term in which they were taught.

By request of the Office of Registration and Records, Financial Aid, or University Counsel.

An email will be sent to all staff and faculty two weeks, one week, and one day prior to course removal.


Instructor created content

18 months from the end date of the term in which they were taught.

12-month extension by request of the owner or instructor

Exception Request

An email will be sent to all staff and faculty two weeks, one week, and one day prior to course removal.


Student created content

18 months from the end date of the term in which they were taught.

By request of the Office of Registration and Records, Financial Aid, or University Counsel.

An email will be sent to all staff and faculty two weeks, one week, and one day prior to course removal.


All cloud recordings

180 days after creation

No exceptions. Recordings should be uploaded to Yuja or Canvas Studio if they need to be kept for a longer time period.

Recordings will be moved to the trash 30 days before final removal.  By default, your Zoom account will notify you 7 days before a recording is permanently deleted.

Other Cloud services

This could be publisher sites, poll services, or other 3rd party tools not managed by OIT.

Please review the vendor’s terms of service.





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