Standard for Permanent Removal of Office 365 Accounts for Separated Employees


This standard is in place to ensure Office 365 account content is removed from the ISU Office 365 system 90 days after an employee’s last work date as documented by the Office of Human resources in the university's Banner system. The main rationale for this standard is that stale or unused data in an unmanaged account represent a significant data security risk.


This standard applies to all faculty and staff who separate from the institution through a process other than retirement.


Special exceptions may be granted for specific employees for a period of time not to exceed 90 days.  This time will be granted in order to complete the process of moving a separated employee's files or email to permanent storage.  Such requests must be made within 25 days after an employee's last work date, and must be approved by a Dean or Vice President.


Office 365 accounts for faculty and staff, with all of their Outlook, OneDrive, and other application content, will be deleted 90 days after an employee's last work data in Banner.

Note:  Once an Office 365 account is deleted, its contents are irretrievable. 

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