Distance Origination Classroom Information


Distance Origination Classrooms are designed to accommodate face-to-face, recorded and live online classes. This allows for classes and events to blend the audience of remote and in-person attendees. Whether this is a standard online course, virtual guest speakers or creating recordings for on demand viewing, the DOC can meet a variety of needs.

Rooms vary in size from 24 to 150 seats but they have a common control design to make use easy on the instructor and participants.


Each room is equipped with touch panel for control on the podium, auto tracking camera facing the podium and manually controlled camera(s) facing the audience. Microphones arrays allow for remote participants to hear everyone in a session. 

Classrooms have either fixed seating with power at student desks or flexible seating to allow for reconfiguration of the room.

Many rooms have displays in the front and back of the room allow presenters to have a view of content without having to stay near the podium.

Document cameras may be requested to use with the systems on a "by semester" basis.



A128 (24 chairs, Fixed tables with power)

B039 (34 chairs, Fixed tables)

C007 (50 chairs, Fixed tables)

C013 (30 chairs, Fixed tables)

C015 (30 chairs, Fixed tables)

C019 (150 chairs, Fixed tables with power)

C020 (150 chairs, Fixed tables with power)

Dreiser Hall

203 (27 Chair Desks)

205 (54)

207 (30 Chair Desks)

210 (28 Chair Desks)

212 (30 Chair Desks)

213 (30 chairs, Movable tables)

216 (27 Chair Desks)

217 (28 Chair Desks)

Federal Hall

007 (48 chairs, Fixed tables)

302 (44 chairs, Fixed tables)

Myers Technology Center

111 (32 chairs, Fixed tables with power)

Root Hall

A021 (19 chairs, Fixed tables with power)

University Hall

008R (22 chairs, Fixed tables with power)

107 (36 chairs, Movable tables with power in floor)

207 (30 chairs, Movable tables with power in floor)


Active Learning Classrooms:

Each room is equipped with touch panel for control on the podium, manually control camera facing the podium and camera(s) facing the audience. Microphones dispersed throughout the room allow for remote participants to hear everyone in a session. 

There are 5 huddle tables with monitors and wireless display connections for group work or sharing content from the instructor podium.


A315 (30 chairs, 6 Fixed tables)

C014 (30 chairs, 6 Fixed tables)

Use Cases

Example 1:

For online sessions, there is a computer in the podium that is connected to all technology in the room. The instructor or presenter only need to tap the touch panel screen to activate all equipment and wait for the login prompt on the computer. From here this is designed to behave similar to your ISU issued computer.

Zoom and Microsoft Teams are already installed on the computer. Browser based conference software can also be used, so GoTo Meeting, YuJa Conference, Google Meet and others can all be run from the podium PC.

If only the instructor Camera and PC are needed in the meeting, the only other time the panel needs to be touched is when shutting the system down.

For more control, there are manual controls for the instructor and student facing cameras. There is also room volume control and display power for the various TVs in the room.

Example 2:

If the room is needed for a presentation with or without distance software, there is support for laptops, tablets and phones to be connected to the displays via wire or wireless. Simply select Laptop on the touch panel and choose the appropriate connection option.

If your laptop needs the room camera and microphone feeds, rooms are being equipped with a USB (Type-A) connection on the podium to provide plug and play support. (Only available in some of the Distance Origination Classrooms) You can request more information by calling 812-237-2910 Option #3.

To Request Support

If you would like to schedule time for a room demo or technology training, please submit the Distance Education Classroom Technology Training form: https://indstate.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1851/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=19001

To schedule a classroom, instructors can schedule through their department when processing room assignments or submit a request directly through the Ad Astra scheduler.https://www.aaiscloud.com/INStateU/events/EventReqIntroForm.aspx



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