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    This article contains key TeamDynamix terms and definitions.
    This article describes how technicians can create a ticket template and scheduled ticket in a TeamDynamix ticketing application.
    This article describes how to create a new knowledge base article in the TeamDynamix application. The target audience is OIT student employees and staff that create knowledge base articles.
    This article describes how to use the built in Project reports to check status of an individual project and the status of all the projects which you are either (1) a project manager, (2) alternative project management, or (3) a designated team member on a project.
    This article describes how Resource Pool Managers are able to manage their assigned staff Project efforts by approving, rejecting, or withdrawing a Project Resource Request generated by a TeamDynamix Project, Project Manager.
    This article will show how to update percent complete on a project task using My Work.
    This article will show you how to enter issues and risks in a project.
    This article will provide the standards that should be applied when creating a knowledge base article in TeamDynamix. The target audience is students and staff that will be writing, reviewing, approving and publishing knowledge base articles.