How do I subscribe to a list?

Send a message from the account you want to subscribe to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.INDSTATE.EDU and in the message put in the keyword "SUBSCRIBE" followed by the listserv name and your name. For example, I'd like to subscribe to a list named "my-list-l"

How do I unsubscribe to a list?

Send a message from the account you want subscribed to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.INDSTATE.EDU and in the message put in the keyword "UNSUBSCRIBE" followed by the listserv name.

How do I stop mail temporarily?

If you want to suspend receiving mail from a list but not unsubscribe, send a message to  and in the message put the keyword "SET" followed by the list name followed by "NOMAIL". To begin receiving mail again, send a message to and in the message put the keyword "SET" followed by the list name followed by "MAIL".

How do I create a mailing list?

Fill in the form below and choose "LISTSERV" Request from the first drop-down box.

LISTSERV Mailing List Request Form

I just had a new mailing list created. What now?

If this is your first list, you need to register your email address and get a password at -- Select "Get Password" on the right side of the screen. Once your email address is verified and you have a password you can login at this website and manage your mailing list. If you forget your password or want to change your password, you can do it using "Get Password".

What types of lists may I have?

Open Discussion List allows subscribers to submit to the list without approval by the list owner.

Edited/Moderated List messages sent to the list will need to be approved by the editor or moderator before being sent to the entire list.

Announce Only List only the mailing list owner may post to the list. Note: You can have more than one owner of a list.

I logged in but don't see my mailing list.

Make sure you logged in using the email address you requested the listed be created under and not an alternate address. If you still don't see the list, contact the Help Desk.

I received a message that my list is locked. How do I unlock it?

Send a message to with the message "unlock" followed by the name of the list.

I'm getting a message that some subscribers are being monitored. Why?

This is the result of non-delivery of mail. This can be caused by several things, including user mailboxes being removed, network issues, mailboxes over quota, etc. Listserv will remove a subscriber if repeated delivery attempts fail.

How do I rename a mailing list?

You cannot rename a list. You must request the deletion of a list and the creation of a new list. To delete a list, contact the ISU Help Desk or create a Help Desk ticket.

How do I get a list of subscribers to my list?

Login as usual and select "List Management" / "Subscriber Management". At the bottom of the screen, you will see "Review List Members". There are two options: "In Browser" and "By Email". Select the option that's best for you.

You can also get a list of subscribers using email. To do this, send a message to, and in the subject line and message body put the following: REVIEW listname. For example, if the list name were MY-LIST-L:

How do I import a list of subscribers?

First, create a list of just the email addresses to import. Make sure it is in a flat text file (you can use notepad). Then login as usual and select "List Management" / "Subscriber Management". The "Bulk Operations" tab will allow you to import the text file of subscribers. Select the appropriate "Function", type the name of the import file or select "Browse", and click on "Import".

I'm subscribed to a list but I'm getting flooded with mail. Anything I can do to limit the mail?

You can get a "digest" of mailings to the list, usually once a day. To do this, send a message to and in the subject line and message body put the following: SET listname DIGEST. For example, if the list name were MY-LIST-L:

How can I find the mailing lists to which I'm subscribed?

Send a message to and in the subject line and message body put the following: QUERY *

How do I find who is the owner of a list?

Contact the Help Desk and open a ticket. Give them the name of the list you're inquiring about and ask for the name of the owner. You will receive an answer once the ticket has been processed.

How do I add a new or remove an Owner in a list

To add an owner:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your email address and listserv password on the login screen.
  3. Click login.
  4. Select List Management.
  5. Select List Configuration -> Manual List Configuration.
  6. Choose one of your lists (if you own only one list, this will be skipped)
  7. Scroll down so you can see the current owners.
  8. Please copy the style of one owner per line with their address first, a space, and then their name in parentheses. For example: (Sycamore Sam)

To remove an owner:

  1. Simply remove the entire line.

I can't find the answer to my question, is there additional documentation for LISTSERV?


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