Change Your University Account Password


A University Account is automatically created through the Office of Information Technology for individuals when they become associated with the university as a student, faculty, or staff. For security purposes, ISU requires passwords to be changed at least once every 180 days.

Steps To Change your University Password

To change your password follow these steps.

Quick Steps

  1. Log into the portal located at
  2. Find the "Change Password" link. 
  3. Change your password.

Expanded Steps

  1. Log into the portal then search for the change password link. (See image below)

  1.  Enter the old password then the new password twice. Please note the following:
  • The password you choose will need to meet the ISU password requirements.
  • Microsoft's Password Protection identifies, detects, and blocks known weak passwords and their variants. 

  1. You will see a confirmation that your password has been reset.

Additional Information

Additional information related to activating your account or what to do if you forgot your password can be found in the related articles section on this page.

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Related Articles (3)

Steps to reset your password for your University Account
This article shows the steps for activating the University Account that will provide access to ISU computer-based resources.
This article will provide general information about the University Account created for all students, faculty and staff and used to access the MyISU portal and other web-based resources at Indiana State University.

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