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    View the process for getting support for Contact Center.
    Genesys Cloud is Indiana State University's contact center platform and provides advanced automatic call distribution functionality. The article below describes the process to log in to the contact center interface for users who have access.
    Our contact center platform provides us a way of playing an information greeting to callers prior to the main department greeting being played. This information greeting is a way to provide timely information to callers that may solve their problem before entering the queue.

    The process below provides a description of how to update the greeting.
    Our contact center platform provides us a way of starting an unplanned closure and playing a default greeting to the caller stating that your department call center is currently closed and requesting that they call back at a later time. The greeting will also direct callers to online resources available at

    The process below will walk you through the process of enabling the schedule for an unplanned closure.