Our contact center platform provides us a way of playing an information greeting to callers prior to the main department greeting being played. This information greeting is a way to provide timely information to callers that may solve their problem before entering the queue.
The process below provides a description of how to update the greeting.
Special Concepts
- You will need a headset to complete this process. To request one see the related article "How To Request an Audio Device."
- This process will be completed much more smoothly if you have pre-written the script that you want to use for the greeting. It is recommended that you complete the script prior to recording the audio file.
- The process below was written for computers running Windows 10.
- Office of Information Technology must update the greeting on the system and will only be completed if submitted by a department supervisor with approval to change department greetings.
- Plug in your USB headset to your computer if it is not already plugged in
- From your computer launch Voice Recorder
- Click the "Record" button
- Read the script into the microphone
- After recording the greeting, listen to it to verify that it is satisfactory. If you need to re-record, go back to step 3
- After you are satisfied with the recording, locate the audio file in file explorer (Note: The sound recordings are usually located in "Documents\Sound recordings")
- Enter a ticket with the sound recording as an attachment.Use the Contact Center New Request or Modification form to enter the request.
- Include information such as:
- When the message should be activated
- When the message should be deactivated
- If application of the message is urgent, please note that this is a work stoppage issue on the ticket.
Additional Information
For assistance with this process a ticket can be submitted to the Unified Communications group using the incident form: