How to use File Upload (GJAJFLU)


Banner processes often require file input. In these instances, the files must be uploaded to banner with a separate process called GJAJFLU.  This article will detail how to use the file process to upload files to banner.

Estimated Time to Complete

Reviewing this guide will take no more than 15 minutes

Warning!  This process does not work with Internet Explorer or with network drives (including OneDrive).  All files must be uploaded from a local drive. 

Steps for File Upload


  1. Open an internet browser.
    1. Go to
    2. Login to your Portal Account, if you are not already. 
    3. For PROD, select the "Banner" badge on the right hand side of the page.  For DEVL and CLNT, use the "Search Apps" box in the upper left hard corner, searching for "DEVL Banner" or "CLNT Banner" to login.
  2. Search GJAJFLU
    1. In the "Job" box type in the process you are uploading the file for.
    2. Click GO
  3. Fill out the form.
    1. Select ‘Insert’ from near top right of form.
    2. Press folder icon next to ‘Select File’.
    3. Choose required file from your local machine. Don't choose multiple files here. It will zip them up and not work in most cases. Single file only.
    4. Hit 'save'
    5. Close the form with the “X” in the top left of the form.
  4. Search GJIREVO
    1.  If there is data in the “Number” box, delete it.
    2. In the "Process" box type in GJRJFLU
    3. Click the ellipse button by the “Process” button.
    4. Open the most recent file with the process name GJRJFLU and that has an Output File Name ending in “.lis”.
    5. The file should look like the example below. If it does not make sure you followed all the steps correctly and did not use Internet Explorer or a network drive.

Steps for Failed File Upload

  1. Confirm the file is stored on your local hard drive.
    1. One drive and any other network drive does not work.
  2. Confirm you were not using Internet Explorer.
  3. Submit a ticket.
    1.  Open the log that coincides with the lis file you opened above.
    2. Take a screenshot of that log and attach it to the ticket.


These steps will enable users to upload files in order to be used as input for banner processes.

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