Canvas - Report an Issue


Canvas is an on-line learning environment that is highly configurable and allows for the electronic distribution and management of course assets and assignments.

This service will allow users to report a general issue with Canvas.

Standard Features

This service will provide resolutions to a general issue you are having with Canvas. General issues are considered issues that cannot be found in the service catalog,

SLA:  For non-urgent issues you can expect a reply within 4 business hours. Stop Work/Urgent request you can expect a reply within 15 minutes.


This service can be requested by any Indiana State University Canvas user. For other Canvas service requests, please see the Academic Tools and Research Support for help.


To request this service, submission of this form is necessary and requires specific details surrounding any involved course registration numbers, names, and their section numbers. Other information about the incident, such as the users who experienced the situation, the web browsers, and network connections used at the time, along with the dates and times of the issue and a description will also required. Please be thorough in explaining exactly what happened.

Once the form is submitted, the requestor will be notified upon completion of the service.

Report an Issue

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