Conference Rooms - Report an Issue


Reporting issues with audio equipment, visual equipment and computer issues in a Conference Room.

Standard Features

SLA:  For non-urgent issues you can expect a reply within 4 business hours. Stop Work/Urgent request you can expect a reply within 15 minutes.  Most incidents would be resolve within  24 hours, pending room access.


Non-standard equipment would increase our time to resolution as well as room accessibility.

Office hours:       M-F 8:00am to 4:30pm


Provide the following information when making the request:

  1. Building
  2. Room
  3. Function type that you are having problems with (i.e., computer, sound, video, control, or other)
  4. Description of issue

Please contact the Technical Support Center if you need immediate help or require assistance (see the Getting Help link)


Report an Issue

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