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    Office 365 Message Encryption allows ISU email users to send secure protected emails with individuals outside of the University. This can be important to ensure messages securely reach the intended recipient, especially if sensitive data is included.
    This article describes frequently asked question about Endpoint Encryption Software. The target audience students, faculty and staff .
    The Standard for ISU Email Security for Mobile Devices defines the centrally enforced security device policies required for use of ISU email on personal and ISU-owned mobile devices by ISU faculty, staff, and affiliates. These device policies are required in order for ISU to comply with both the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Indiana Code (IC) 4-1-10.
    Microsoft Intune keeps managed devices secure and up to date while securing ISU’S’s data. Data protection includes event monitoring of sensitive ISU data on and securing workstations and devices from attackers and other compromised systems.

    Intune supports managed devices that run Android, iOS/iPad, MacOS, and Windows 10/11.