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    With Unified Messaging you have access to Exchange Email, Calendaring, and Contacts on your phone, utilizing Outlook Voice Access. You also have access to your voice mails in Microsoft Outlook.
    A shared voice mailbox in the Exchange Unified Messaging environment will allow a group of users to utilize the same extension and retrieve the voice mail messages received on that extension. The functionality that you see is very similar to what you are used to with a traditional voice mailbox.
    View the process for getting support for Teams, Skype for Business, or Voice Mail.
    Configure an "Away" greeting to inform callers that you will be away from your phone for an extended period of time.
    This article will walk you through the process of recording and submitting an audio file to be used on an auto attendant or response group.
    Polycom VVX phones, connected to Skype for Business, allows calls to be transferred to other phones using a phone number or contact entry.  This article will walk you through the process of performing this operation.