Connecting to ISU-SECURE Wireless Quick Start Guide


Wireless access on campus is provided to Students, Faculty and Staff via the ISU-SECURE network. This network uses encryption to secure communications with the network over the air. 

All academic buildings and residence halls at ISU have wireless access to ISU-SECURE.   Dede Plaza has outdoor wireless access, and limited outdoor wireless coverage is available at the Michael Simmons Student Activity Center and the Bob Warn Baseball Stadium.  Outdoor wireless access is also available in Parking Lot M (southeast corner) and Parking Lot Q (southwest corner).

Important: ISU-SECURE is the preferred wireless connection for Students, Faculty and Staff.

Estimated Time to Complete

15 Minutes or less


Automatic Connection Process

  1. Open the wireless connection panel of your device.
  2. Select the ISU-SECURE SSID from your devices list of Available Wireless Networks.
  3. When the system prompts you for credentials enter you University Username and Password.
  4. If prompted, accept the presented certificates from the network.   

If your device will not automatically connect to the ISU-SECURE network as illustrated above you can setup the connection manually.

Manual Connection Process

  1. Open the wireless connection panel of your device.
  2. Manually create a profile to connect to the SSID of ISU-SECURE.
  3. Set the encryption connection type to WPA2-Enterprise.
  4. When the system prompts you for credentials, enter your University Username and Password.
  5. Some devices will prompt to accept the presented certificates from the network, accept them.

Note:  Some devices are not able to connect to ISU-SECURE.

If you attempt this process and are unable to connect, please follow the instructions in Getting Connected for connection to ISU-OPEN.

Connecting to both ISU-OPEN and ISU-SECURE can cause a condition in which the device will flip back and forth between networks. This will change the IP address and cause sessions to disconnect.

Important:  Only configure your devices to connect to one network .  You should set your device to forget whichever network is not needed or less optimal.



After following these steps your device will be connected to the ISU-SECURE wireless network at ISU. This can be verified by connection to the ISUPORTAL or other internet resource with a browser to verify operations.

Additional Help

If you are a student, take your computer to the Student Computer Support Center located in Stalker Hall room 009 or contact the Technology Support Center at 812-237-2910. All others, please contact the Technology Support Center.



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