Banner 9 Production Deployment
As of October 12th, 2018 - Banner 9 is the only method to access Banner. Banner 9 is now available to all users in the Production environment.
Banner 9 Environment Questions
How do I get to Banner 9?
Access to Banner Administrative Pages requires you to be on ISU networks. If you are working remotely, you must use the ISU Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Banner 9 comes with a new Menu application that allows access to Banner 9 Admin pages. This new menu application is called: Application Navigator - but we simply refer to it as "Banner".
MyISU Menu (
You can find the link to Banner in the Portal by searching for Banner in the menu. It is listed near the top in the ISU Apps Folder.
If you are a member of the Banner Testing Group - you can find access to our CLNT environment in the ISU Apps / Test Apps folder.
Direct URL Access
Production (PROD) -
Client Testing (CLNT) -
Development (DEVL) -
What Web Browsers work best?
Google Chrome and Firefox are recommended for "Banner 9 Admin Pages" (they are also the fastest)
Where can I find some help with the Banner 9 Navigation?
Ellucian, our Banner Software vendor, has supplied the following video for basic navigation training: Getting Started with Banner 9
Other General Issues (Top)
The URL doesn't always work upon initial login from Internet Explorer (IE).
Please turn off IE "Compatibility Mode".
If the login still doesn't work, shut down your browser and try again. Use a different browser if it still remains an issue.
If these suggestions do not work, contact OIT using the following service link: Banner Administrative System - Report an Issue
User Authentication Issues for OIT (Top)
User not configured in GOAEACC

Contact OIT using the following service link: Banner Administrative System - Report an Issue
OIT - Verify the Account Association in the following Banner Page: GOAEACC. You will need to know the user's University ID. If you are querying the Database, you can look at the table: GOBEACC, using the user's PIDM.
User doesn't have BANPROXY access authorized.
<Insert image of the error>
Contact OIT using the following service link: Banner Administrative System - Report an Issue
OIT can verify this through the Banner Security Views - or the form GSASECR if you have access. If the user does not have the BANPROXY role granted, the DBA's must grant the role.