MyISU Portal FAQ


MyISU Portal is used by faculty, staff, and students to access a number of applications and functions based on their roles at Indiana State University.   MyISU Portal is accessed using standard Microsoft University Credentials, just like your Outlook Email (university email account and university password).  When a person signs into the portal, their identity is verified and various roles are assigned to to the user.  Those roles determine the type of information that you see - and the applications that you can access.

Mobile Application

The MyISU Mobile Application is available on both the Android Play Store and Apple iTunes. Simply login to your phone's Apps Download site - and search for:  MyISU

The installation and setup is straight forward and you should be up and running in a matter of minutes.

The mobile application provides a very clean and easy-to-read platform that provides access to all mobile-friendly applications at the university.  Changes to the Engage Portal are automatically reflected in the MyISU Mobile Application.  In addition, the MyISU App allows for direct messaging to targeted groups if necessary.

December 2021 changes

The format of MyISU has changed from "Badges" to access applications to "Application Links". These links can be found in the left navigation bar of the the portal. An easy way to find applications by utilizing the search function found at the top of the navigation bar. Applications are assigned via one's role at the University. There are several changes that may cause some confusion. The below list of frequently asked questions and answers will hopefully make this transition easier.

Frequently asked Questions

Why do the Quick Links show me applications that I do not use?

All the Quick Links are standard links and some of the applications may not apply to you and you may not have access. 

Can I set my own favorite applications?

To configure Favorites you need to set this up by turning this on in Preferences. For details see related articles on the right.

I cannot find an application that I use?

You can search anytime by typing on the Search area at the top of the Navigation Bar. If you feel you need access to an application that you cannot find please use the following link to report an issue.  Report an issue

Why do I get the Student page when I am a Faculty or Employee?

The Default pages are set by priority, if you are a student and employee the Student page will show first, then Employee. If you want to view the Employee page please choose this from the Navigation bar on the left.

What happened to Webstorage?

For Security reasons we have moved away from webstorage which was offered in previous portal. You can now use OneDrive,Teams or access shared files such as  L drive from ISU VPN. For details on how to setup VPN see  related articles on the right for instructions on setting up VPN and troubleshooting issues.


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Article ID: 140414
Tue 1/4/22 4:25 PM
Tue 7/23/24 2:12 PM

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