Blue Reports - New Account Services


Blue Reports contains various reports concerning enrollment management, student success, graduation, and retention. The reports show key metrics and trends over time.

This service is to request a new user account for access to Blue Reports.

Standard Services and Features

As an ISU employee you will use this service to request a new Blue Reports account.

SLA:  You can expect this service to be completed in 3 business days.

Constraints and Scope

  • This service request is only for account creation.  
  • Blue Reports accounts are only available to faculty and staff.
  • Accounts will only be created for users with a signed FERPA on file.
  • Accounts will be approved by Institutional Research.
  • Software issues or application specific requests should be made through the application's "Report an Issue" service pages.


Please select the Request Blue Reports Account button and complete the request form. At a minimum you will need to provide the following required information:

  • Employee Name
  • University ID
  • University Username
  • User University email

Once the account is created the new user will be notified of the account creation. New users should receive training from Institutional Research.


Blue Reports New Account Request

Related Articles (1)

Provides information on how to contact the Technology Support Center (TSC) for help.


Service ID: 23485
Tue 10/10/17 10:14 AM
Mon 7/15/24 12:51 PM