Adding a Non-Licensed Team Member to a Project


TeamDynamix requires that any person that is assigned as a resource to a Project have a named user license, which means that project stakeholders who are outside of OIT and are not part of the ISU External Users group will need the Project Team Member security role assigned to them by a TDX Administrator, and the person's user records updated to give them access to proper TeamDynamix applications.


Adding a Team Member

When a designated Project Manager wants to add a non-licensed Team Member to a project, they will need enter a TeamDynamix - Account Request service request.

Upon approval of the account change, a TeamDynamix Administrator will make changes to the person's user record.

Removing a Team Member

Upon completion of the project, or when the person is no longer part of the team, the Project Manager will submit a TeamDynamix - Account Request service request and remove the person from the Team.  The TDX Adminstrator will then remove access for the person's user record.

*Note: Stakeholders will only be able to view the project from the Client Portal.

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