Standard for Permanent Removal of Office 365 Accounts for Non-Returning Students

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This standard is in place to ensure Microsoft 365 account content is removed from the Indiana State University Microsoft Azure Tenant after a student hasn't enrolled in classes for 3 years as documented in the university's Banner system. Unused accounts represent a security risk and impose administrative overhead.


This standard applies to all Students who are no longer admitted, enrolled, taking classes, or have taken classes in the past 3 years other than those that graduated. Alumni retain their email as long as they actively use it.

Former students who wish to retain their files will need to transfer them to a personal cloud storage account. Microsoft has tools to assist with this process. It is recommended to begin this process within 30 days of leaving the University.


This is an automated process, therefore no exceptions are granted.


Microsoft 365 accounts for students, with all of their Outlook, OneDrive, and other application content, will be deleted 3 years after a student is last enrolled in classes according to data in Banner. This account removal will also stop the account from being able to single sign-on to other applications that use our Microsoft Azure tenant for authentication.

Note:  Once a Microsoft 365 account is deleted, its contents are irretrievable. 

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