How To Update Chosen Name


The University has enabled the ability for individuals to add a Chosen name if they wish to. This article will provide instructions for how to add (or remove) a Chosen name when desired.  There may be some unintended consequences from adding a Chosen name - please see the "Concerns" listed below.

Estimated Time to Complete

Reviewing this guide will take no more than 5 minutes


Term Definition
Chosen Name A name different than legal first name that is desired to be used by the individual
Legal First Name The legal first name of the individual as recognized on legal documentation such as a social security card
Self-Service The application used by an individual affiliated with the University to view and update personal information


Please be aware that adding (or removing) a Chosen name may impact various systems across campus. Upon syncing, most systems will automatically update with the Chosen name displaying in place of the legal first name. You may find there are instances where the University must display your legal name and cannot display your Chosen name.

Students who add a Chosen name should not have any issues with account log ins.

Employees who add a Chosen name may experience issues as this will cause them to have a new email address. Systems will take some time to synchronize.  You may need to unlink and re-link OneDrive.  At this time, employees who log into the ISU listserv and/or TeamDynamix will need their account updated.  OIT will need to know all lists you are subscribed to.  Please contact the Help Desk @ 2910.


  1. Log into MyISU.
  2. Select Student or Employee Self-Service.
  3. If you are an employee, select the My Profile link from the menu, then the Personal Information tile from the My Profile page.
  4. If you are a student, select the Additional Resources tab, and the Personal Information link.
  5. In the first section labeled Personal Details you must select the Edit button in the upper right corner.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  6. Enter the Chosen name with your name preference, or delete the existing value if removing a Chosen name, and select the Update button.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


After following the steps above you will have updated your first name to be your Chosen name, or removed your Chosen name so your legal first name displays across systems.