Slate - Service Request


Request for the creation, modification, or consultation on Slate items: forms, campaigns, events, queries, reports, snippets, new email mailers, and new SMS messages.

Standard Features

The following describes items within the Slate instances that can be created or modified via this request.

  • Forms – request the creation/modification/consultation of forms, which collect information for its respective Slate instance
  • Campaigns – request the creation/modification/consultation of campaign items. This includes population creation, campaign management, communications, etc.
  • Email Mailers – request the creation/modification/consultation of single email mailers.
  • Events – request the creation/modification/consultation of event items. This includes building the event, pre/post communications, registration pages, etc.
  • Queries – request the creation/modification/consultation of queries. Queries return information about individual records in Slate. Official queries for reporting purposes in Slate 2 must be approved by IT-CRM Team in order to ensure the query configuration is retrieving all appropriate records.
  • Reports - request the creation/modification/consultation of reports. Reports display Slate data in aggregate.
  • Snippets - request the creation/modification/consultation of snippets. Snippets are used to auto-fill an email.
  • SMS messages – This is an Admissions only item. Request the creation/modification of SMS messages.
  • Training - request training for either an individual or a group of users
  • General Troubleshooting / Other Requests – submit a request for any miscellaneous items not listed above.

SLA:  You can expect this service to be completed in 10 business days.


This request is intended for current Slate users looking to create/modify/or receive consultation on various slate items.


Please select the Request Items button and complete the form with as much detail as possible.  Additional information boxes will appear depending on the request type you select and the Slate instance it will impact.  You will also be able to add attachments to provide items such as email content, recipient lists, snippet drafts.

Request Service


Service Offering Id: 623
Mon 7/25/22 9:42 AM
Thu 7/11/24 1:50 PM