Computer Acquisition - Event Loaner


OIT Event Loaner computers can be provided to departments with a short-term need of additional computers for non-Academic events.

Standard Services and Features

Service Level Agreement (SLA):  You can expect this service to be completed in 10 business days.


  • These requests are filled according to the availability of Event Machines
  • Requests for event loaners should be made as early as possible, and no later than one week prior to the event. 
  • This is for current Staff and Faculty only.
  • This service is for temporary loan of computers for non-academic events.
  • You can request up to ten event loaner computers


Click on "Request Event Loaner" to start the process and you will need the following minimum information:

  • University Role of person requesting the computer.
  • Personal information for person receiving the equipment
  • How many computers you need
  • Date you need the computer(s)
  • Date you will return the computer(s)
Request Event Loaner


Service ID: 30545
Wed 9/19/18 2:53 PM
Thu 7/25/24 11:20 AM