University Affiliate Account - FAQ


Frequently asked questions concerning the University Account, University Affiliated Account and the different accesses that each have.


What is a University Affiliate Account?

Affiliate is a term used to describe a person who is not employed by ISU but does have an affiliation to the University. This affiliation is temporary and generally set up on an annual basis or less. An Affiliate is sponsored by an employee of ISU and must have a University business need to use University resources.  Affiliates working with minors must have a background check arranged by their ISU supervisor.

My Affiliate Account is created, now what?

Once your Affiliate Account has been created, you will need to activate the account and setup your "Mulit-Factor Authentication" and "Password Recovery" methods.  Please refer to the related article listed on the right side titled: How to Activate Your University User Account.

Who needs this kind of an account?

People that do not already have University Accounts and/or Affiliations assigned to them.

  • Consultants
  • Vendors
  • Business Affiliates (Sodexo)
  • Visiting Faculty/Instructors
  • Patrons to the Library and Student Recreation Center
  • University Guests
  • Volunteers
  • Auditors

*You do not need an affiliate account for wireless access. ISU-OPEN is available for those that do not have university log-ins

What kind of access does this receive?

  • Authentication Credentials in the primary University Authentication System.
  • MyISU Portal Access
  • Authentication Credentials in the University Active Directory System (Current Users)
  • Named account on the University Networks
    • Wired network
    • Wireless network
    • VPN - Virtual Private Network
  • Optional Accesses
    • Office 365 Environment for University Email, Calendar, OneDrive 
      • Email access will not be given to ISU Affiliates unless specifically requested and justified
    • University ID Card
      • Requires the affiliate to go to Public Safety to have their photo taken and a physical card printed.
    • Access to additional university applications require a separate service request, so that appropriate approval can be granted.
      • Access to the additional applications, often requires using the University VPN.  For information on accessing the VPN, please refer to the related article (on the right-hand side) titled: VPN (Virtual Private Network) Access

What is the difference between a University Account and a University Affiliate Account?

A University Account is the way that a person's University ID Number is associated with their electronic access on ISU Campus.  This account can be used to "authenticate" the user to the network.

The type of access/authorization that the account has depends on the type of affiliation they have with the university.  

There are 4 basic affiliations with your University Username:

  1. Student (automatic)
  2. Staff (automatic)
  3. Faculty (automatic)
  4. Affiliated (manual)

All students, faculty and staff automatically receive an affiliation when they become associated with the university.   When the person no longer has one of the automatically applied affiliations and still needs access to university resources, they need to become affiliated through a manual process that involves sponsorship from a current employee.

What are the expectations of the Affiliate?

  1. ISU Affiliates are subject to policies and standards relevant to their use of University and IT resources (Specifically, but not limited to 830.3)
  2. ISU Affiliates must have an ISU Employee Sponsor.
  3. ISU Affiliates must have an ISU business requirement.

Who is responsible for the account?

The "Sponsoring Employee" is responsible for all activity that happens with the requested University Account.

What is the responsibility of the Sponsor?

By extension, the sponsor is responsible for the ISU Affiliate’s use of University data and resources.

The sponsor is expected to request access and remove access for the affiliate for the time it takes for them to fulfill their educational or business purpose at the University.

How long is the account active?

Affiliate Accounts default to 1 year expiration, although it is better to request only the time period that is needed.  Affiliates can be renewed by their sponsor up to three (3) years before they are required to submit a new request.

What happens if an Affiliate Expires?

If an Affiliate needs to retain their account status and the sponsor does not extend the expiration through Self-Service in time, then a "New Request" must be made using the Request a University Affiliate Account form.

How do I "Sponsor" an account for someone?

Submit a request through the Request a University Affiliate Account form

Is there any other Authorization that is required?

If the ISU Affiliate will be exposed to student or employee data, they must acknowledge and sign the ISU FERPA Statement of Understanding.  This signed document should be included in the request for the creation of the account.

Affiliates working with minors must have a background check arranged by their ISU supervisor.



Article ID: 31074
Thu 6/1/17 11:35 AM
Tue 12/19/23 9:53 AM

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