Creating Plan Reports


This article describes how to run the pre-defined TeamDynamix Plan Reports.

  1. You must have access to the Projects/Workspaces application.
  2. You must be Team Member for at least one project.


  1. Open the Projects Application in TDNext (Technician view)
    1. In the "Reports" section on the left hand side, select Standard Plan Reports
    2. Select one of the following reports.
Info! Only information from active, unclosed projects are included in these reports.
Plan(s) Summary Report Tasks Summary By Plan Report

This report is a roll up of key project metrics, such as Total Estimated and Actual Hours. It is also possible to select a single project for analysis. The report displays the following details for the selected project(s):

  •    Starts (Earliest Task Start Date)
  •     Ends (Latest Task End Date)
  •     Duration (Duration from earliest plan start date to latest plan end date)
  •     % Days Used
  •     (Total) Estimated Hours
  •     (Total) Actual Hours
  •     Hours Over/Under (Estimated Hours - Actual Hours)
  •     Hours Used (Actual Hours / Estimated Hours)
  •     Estimated Percent Complete (of all plans)
  •     Total Tasks
  •     Open Tasks
  •     Completed Tasks
  •     Milestones
  •     Milestones Complete
  1. Select Plan(s) Summary Report:
    1. Select the single project or "All" projects
    2. Click   
  2. View the details of the report.

The report displays the progress metrics for each plan within a project or all the project plans in the system. The details shown for each project plan include:

  • Start - Start date (earliest task start date)
  • End - End date (latest task end date)
  • Tasks -Total number of tasks
  • Clsd - Number of closed tasks
  • Clsd % - Percentage of closed tasks to total tasks
  • Opn - Number of open tasks
  • Opn % - Percentage of open tasks to total tasks
  • Est Hrs - Total estimated hours
  • Act Hrs - Total hours of time reported against tasks on this plan
  • +- Hrs - Hours over/under the estimate
  • % Wrkd - Percent of hours worked
  • MS - Number of milestones
  • MS % Comp - Number of milestones complete
  • Est % Comp - Estimated percent complete of all tasks
  • % Days Used - Percent of days used
  1. Select Resolution Status
    1. Project/Workspace (required)
    2. Click   
  2. Scroll to view the details of the report.
Task Work By Person Milestones Report

This report displays time reported against tasks by project members, broken down by the amount of hours worked on tasks at varying levels of task completion (0% - 100%). Time does not need to be submitted or approved to be included in this report, only entered.

  1. Select Task Work By Person:
    1. Project/Workspace (required)
    2. Click   
  2. View the details of the report.

This report displays all task milestones for a project plan, broken down by plan if you choose to view all plans. You can choose to select an individual plan from the dropdown at the top. The information displayed includes the project plan title and each milestone task's title, estimated hours, actual hours, percent complete, start date, and end date.

  1. Select Milestones Report
    1. Project/Workspace (required)
    2. Select the specific plan or "All" plans
    3. Click   
  2. View the details of the report.
Tasks By Person  

This report displays each project member and the tasks assigned to that member. The details shown for each task include the project name, task name, task start and end date, the task percent complete, task estimated hours, and task actual hours.

  1. Select Task By Person:
    1. Select specific project or "All"
    2. Select Date range (optional)
    3. Select Person or Persons you want to report on.
    4. Select Resource Pool(s) (optional)
    5. Click   
  2. View the details of the report.

Guidance Videos

TeamDynamix has a number of training videos that will offer further assistance with creating reports:

Sections of a Report

Project Reports


Plan reports give project managers and leadership the ability to actively manage project plans.  These reports are essential in keeping a project on schedule.

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