Creating Project Announcements


Use the Project Announcements feature to communicate with Team Members.


  1. Open your project via TDNext (Technician View)
    1. This can be done via the Projects app or the Project Manager (My Projects) desktop
  2. Click on Announcements, then New Announcement in the navigation pane 
    1. A new window will pop up for you to enter your announcement information 
  3. Enter the Announcement information 
    1. Type a title for the announcement.
    2. Select the project in which the announcement is for. 
    3. Enter the details of the announcement in the body field.
    4. You can select an expiration date for the announcement if it will no longer be relevant after a certain date. 
    5. If you select Notify Users about This Announcement. every project member will be notified. 


Use the Announcements section of the project to post an announcement to ALL team members. 

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