Adding a Project Plan


The article describes the steps to add a plan to TeamDynamix, once the project has been created. See the related articles for directions on how to add a plan template and how to add a task to a project.

Special Concepts

Waterfall Plan

A waterfall plan is a relatively sequential set of projects tasks that are interrelated by predecessors.  Waterfall plans are typically shown as Gantt charts.

Cardwall Plan

A card wall plan is a set of project takes that are not related by predecessor or successor tasks, and each task can be accomplished independently of each other.  Card wall plans are shown as graphical elements that progress through task stages.


  1. The Project must already be created in TeamDynamix.
  2. You must have permissions to access the Projects application
  3. Your security role must allow you to Add Plans
  4. Your security role should allow you to Add Tasks (not required to add Plans)


  1. Open your Project in TDNext (Technician View)
    • This can be done via the Projects app or the Project Manager (My Projects) desktop
  2. Choose Plans on the left
  3. Once the Plans component opens, select  button.
  4. Provide the Information
    1. Short, descriptive name for the plan
    2. Description is optional but highly recommended (if you can’t describe the plan, you may not know enough about the plan!)
    3. Choose whether you want a Waterfall or a Card wall plan
      1. Waterfall allows you to use TeamDynamix files that have been exported from the Plan manager, and Microsoft XML files (if formatted correctly).
      2. Both Waterfall and Card wall plans allow you to use existing Project Templates (see the article “Adding Plans from Templates”).
    4. Select Save and select the option.
  5. View the plan you just created. You can always come back to this plan via the Plans section on the project.
  6. Start adding tasks (see the article, “Adding Tasks to Plans”)

Guidance Videos

TeamDynamix has a couple of training videos for creating waterfall and cardwall plans. View these videos for additional assistance.

Waterfall Plans

Cardwall Plans


Creating accurate Project Plans/Schedules using the Work Breakdown Structure is critical to ensuring that the project can be managed and project status be monitored.  This article shows how to create a plan, which should only be created after the Work Breakdown Structure is created and verified.

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Related Articles (3)

This article describes how to add a task to an existing TeamDynamix Card Wall plan.
This article describes how to add a task to an existing TeamDynamix waterfall plan.
This article demonstrates how to add staff Resources to an existing TeamDynamix project. Once a staff Resource has been added to a project, that person can then be assigned to task in the project plan.

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