Student Manager is a registration management system primarily used by University Engagement and Extended Learning. It is used to register non-University enrollees into non-academic courses and conferences hosted by the University. This article is intended to aid end users and Help Desk technicians in gaining access to the Student Manager application.
These steps will take 2-3 days to complete.
Aceware is the vendor that provides the software application Student Manager.
Software application used to book non-academic Courses & Conferences
The address of the user computer needed by OIT in order to provide access to the Student Manager application.
If the end-user has never used Student Manager before, they will need to have access given to the server that runs the application. This requires approval from OIT and a request ticket will need to be submitted. Follow the Steps to complete the OIT request for Student Manager section.
If the end-user has access to use Student Manager, but they had to have their PC re-imaged, or they received a new PC, their IP address may have changed. First, attempt to create the desktop shortcut (step 10 below). If unable to create the shortcut, this means the IP address has changed. Follow the Steps to complete the OIT request for Student Manager access section.
If the end-user has access to use Student Manager, but has lost the shortcut to the application, no approval from OIT is needed. The end-user simply needs to recreate their desktop shortcut. See step 10 for instructions on creating the desktop shortcut.
These steps are required to be done by a Help Desk technician as the supervisor will not have access to the proper form.
You have just completed the process of setting up access to the Student Manager application. The user's supervisor is responsible for training and use of the application.