How To Create and Schedule Yuja Video Conference Sessions

Video Conference - Meet Now 

The "Meet Now" feature allows users to begin a meeting immediately. A link will be emailed to the contacts for the meeting, allowing them to enter the live meeting. During a "Meet Now" session, the notification icon on the top of the YuJa screen will turn purple and users may also join through the pop-up. Instructors can also copy and email out the Guest Link as necessary.


1. In order to set up a "Meet Now" video meeting or group chat room, click on the main menu and select "Video Conference". 

2. Click "MEET NOW". 

3. Enter course name, contacts name or email (if course has been launched from Canvas) to create a group. 

4. Click "Start Meeting". 


Video Conference - Schedule a Meeting 

The "Schedule a Meeting" feature allows users to set up a meeting time in advance. This tool is useful for online office hours since there is an option to repeat a meeting time. 

1. To schedule a meeting time in advance, click the main menu and select "Video Conference".  



3. Enter contacts name, email, or course (if it has been launched from Canvas) to create a group.

5. Check Recurring Meeting if you wish to repeat a meeting time. A new window will appear. Enter all applicable information and click "OK". 

6. Additional Options include Creating a Security code for the session, Automated Recording, Waiting Room, and Custom Message for email delivery.

7. When the desired settings are selected, click "Add to Schedule".

8.    Additional Resources

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Article ID: 98639
Tue 2/18/20 12:06 PM
Tue 7/11/23 1:32 PM

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