ISU Sycamore Root Intranet - Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently asked questions and other information related to the use and maintenance of Sycamore Root Intranet sites.



The Sycamore Root Intranet is the home for ISU's internal exchange of data and services.  It is comprised of the information, data, and tools which are needed to conduct daily business on campus but which have no reason to be shared to the wider world.  The information below should help answer questions you have about how to use Sycamore Root to find internal information and services as well as assist you in maintaining your own Root site.  

Sycamore Root FAQ

Using Sycamore Root Intranet

The Sycamore Root hub site can be found here:

From there you can navigate into the Student or Employee hubs which are targeted at those audiences. 

NOTE:  The Student hub is accessible to everyone for advising and other purposes.  The Employee hub is also visible to student employees.  

Who can view Sycamore Root Intranet Content?
  Employee  Employee Taking Classes  Affiliate  Student  Student-Employee 
Student Site






Employee Site Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Editing Sycamore Root

These guidelines were issued by the Intranet Governance Committee. They primarily apply to the main page of each site and sub pages can be less structured.

  • Each department will have access to a main site for both Employees and Students.  Sites deemed unnecessary or inappropriate for the audience can be removed, e.g. Staff Council does not need a presence on the Student hub.  
  • Each main Departmental Communication Site should contain the following elements:
    • A Hero part at the top for site title and exposing most-used services/data.
    • The main picture of the Hero part (or action link) should point to a separate About page which exposes an Org Chart, mission, vision and goals statements, policy and other information.
    • A News part to highlight departmental activities and announcements (when appropriate or desired).
    • An Events part (when appropriate or desired) to expose and help schedule important departmental events.
  • In addition, the following conditions apply and must be met 
    • Images used on Communication Sites should be drawn from ISU stock as much as possible. (
    • All the sites that are part of the University Hub Sites identified in Section 2.5, must adhere to the colors and theme of the parent Hub.
    • Changing or altering the colors or logos on the sites that are part of the Hub is not permitted.
    • No altering of site colors is allowed on any Communication sites.
    • Department Team Sites can have custom colors if necessary, but adherence to ISU color and branding is strongly encouraged.
  • Other pages linked from the main departmental page can be created to fulfill whatever needs the department has.

There are generally two roles defined in relation to a Sycamore Root site, the Departmental Site Coordinator (top-level rubber-stamp authority over site related content) and Site Member (those tasked with populating and maintaining the site).  Sometimes these will be embodied in one individual (depending on the size of the department) but most often the department head fills the coordinator role and assigns editors as needed.  Each of those roles has full control over the content of the site as well as site access.  


Additional Information

If you have questions or issues not addressed here please reach out to the OIT Technology Support Center (x2910) for assistance.  



Article ID: 163781
Fri 1/10/25 10:17 AM
Wed 2/5/25 9:33 AM