TurnItIn LTI 1.3 for Canvas- Grading Submissions and Feedback Viewing


This article provides information for instructors on grading student submissions and review feedback in Canvas using the updated TurnItIn LTI 1.3 integration. The TurnItIn LTI 1.3 update in Canvas has changed where instructors and students access and grade assignments.



This article provides information and assistance for assignment grading and viewing feedback in Canvas using the updated TurnItIn LTI 1.3 integration. TurnItIn is a robust plagiarism checker that also enables you to provide feedback to students. The TurnItIn LTI 1.3 integration in Canvas is now relocated within Assignments in each course, which affects grading, viewing feedback, and viewing graded assignments. Notably, TurnItIn LTI 1.3 is not integrated with Canvas Speedgrader. 

TurnItIn LTI 1.3 is Located in Canvas Assignments

With the TurnItIn LTI 1.3 update, TurnItIn's functions are now operated completely within Assignments. The Assignments link must be available in the course navigation for instructors and students to access and manage all TurnItIn assignments. This includes assignment submission, assignment grading, gradebook syncing, and viewing graded assignments and feedback. 

ISU Canvas Course Navigation Menu with Assignments Link Outlined

To add the Assignments link into the course navigation, to go course Settings, click the Navigation tab, click and drag Assignments up into the top list of links visible, and click Save

TurnItIn LTI 1.3 Assignment Inbox

For instructors, the TurnItin LTI 1.3 Assignment Inbox displays all students' submissions. Students will only see their own submission. 

TurnItIn Assignment Inbox Instructor View

Grading Assignment

To grade an assignment submission, click on the Paper Title to open the submission in TurnItIn LTI 1.3. 

  • Canvas Speedgrader is not integrated with TurnItIn and will display "No Preview Available" if you try to view or grade student assignments by opening Speedgrader.

Individual Student Submission to Grade in TurnItIn

Once you’ve graded the student submission, you'll need to return to the Assignment Inbox view, click the Options menu, and click Resync Grade for their grades to appear in the Gradebook. This is done per individual submission line in the Assignment Inbox view. 

TurnItIn Assignment Inbox Resync Grade Menu Option

Student View

Once the grade is updated, students can access their feedback by clicking Assignments, then click the name of the assignment they want to view.

Assignments Link and Assignments List Display

Then click the Paper Title in the Assignment Inbox to view their graded assignment with feedback. 

Student TurnItIn 1.3 Assignment Inbox View

Additional Information

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Article ID: 160590
Tue 7/16/24 4:34 PM
Mon 7/22/24 9:06 AM